I apologize for not having posted anything after my first post, but I haven't had any ideas or inspiration for modding tutorials since.
This tutorial is going to be about making a simple house mod. I suggest reading the Creation Kit Wiki's tutorials first before reading this tutorial. I'm going to cover how to use the DLC, how to search and replace, disable, and how to create custom containers. So first you'll need the Creation Kit, so get that installed if its not already. I would also recommend cleaning the master's (Update, and the DLC) with TES5Edit before getting started on a mod.
Before one can mod with the DLC, they need to add the BSA's to the SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim. If one doesn't, the CK will not be able to load the DLC assets and crash. Go into your Skyrim directory, open up SkyrimEditor.ini. Scroll down to SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim and after Update.bsa (assuming you have all three DLC), add Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, and Dragonborn.bsa. An additional step has to be made to load more then one DLC in a mod. Add bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 under the general section. Make sure to save it.
Search and Replace
For this tutorial I will be editing the Alchemist's shack. So to start, open the CK and load the masters. I'll be using Dragonborn for my house mod. After its done loading the master's, go down to the Cell View and make sure Tamriel is selected for Worldspace instead of Interiors. Once its selected, double click on the AlchemistsShackExterior cell. Since the Alchemist's Shack is already pre-built and in an exterior with Navmesh already done, it will make things easier to work with. Player homes will usually have a bed and safe storage. Safe storage is storage that does not respawn. If it did, anything stored would be lost. A Cooking Pot and other crafting stations are nice to include for a player's convenience, though not necessary. The Alchemist's Shack already comes with a bed, containers, and an Alchemy Lab.
For my mod, I will be changing the furniture included to use the Dark Elf Furniture from Dragonborn. Since there is already some furniture, statics, and containers placed I can just swap them. Statics can be anything from architecture, to rocks, to other things that do not animate or have havok physics. They cannot be moved. Furniture is anything a player can interact with such as a chair or bed, or the crafting stations like a Cooking Pot. Containers are where items are stored, or in the case of a dungeon, where loot will be found. This is what will be used for the safe storage.
So to begin changing things, click on the bed, and hit CTRL F and it will pull up the search and replace. Switch the CommonBed01L with DLC2DarkElfBed01L. Replace both of the CommonShelf01 with DLC2DarkElfShelf01. For the next step, double click on the bed, and select the Ownership tab. Under Faction change it to PlayerBedOwnership. This is one step into getting the player the Well Rested bonus. Move the bed until it fits nicely. Right click the Render Window and open the Render Window Properties and select the Movement tab. Make sure Snap to Grid is on, and I would recommend setting it to about 4 or 2 for the bed. Snap to Grid works in a scale of 4 (64 and 32, for large objects, 16 and 8 for medium objects, 4 and 2 for small objects, for example).
Disabling Objects
Now onto disabling objects. Disabling is the safest approach, as if there is another mod in a load order that has changed those same objects, it will result in a crash if they were deleted. My first post covers that in more depth. The food and dishes will be disabled and moved below the ground to make room for new stuff. Leave the butterfly in the jar alone though. Right click on the skull, the food, and the dishes, and check initially disabled for each. Then CTRL click each object to select them and hold Z to drop them below the shack. This will leave room on the shelves for what will come after. You may wish to disable the rock out in front of the shack as well. You can also optionally choose to disable the basket and leeks as well. Make sure your markers are visible (hit M key) and disable the dummy potion and dummy books on the shelf as well, and drop them below the ground too. Disable the Lantern01, drop it below the ground, and add a DLC2DarkElfLanternGlow06 onto the dresser, found under MovableStatic in the Object window. Double click the new lantern, and on the 3D data tab, set the scale to be about 0.5000.
Disable the bucket and Blisterwort as well, and drop them below the ground. The next thing to add is a simple Cooking Pot. In the corner between the shack wall and the shelf, place a CookingStone01 (found under Static in the Object Window). Go under MovableStatic in the Object Window and add a FXfireWithEmbers01_lite to our CookingStone01. Shrink it down to 0.6000, and place it on the CookingStone01. Go under Static and grab a CookingStand01WithStone and place it over the CookingStone01. Shrink the CookingStone01 and FXfireWithEmbers01_lite slightly to fit them nicely under the CookStand01WithStone. Lastly go to Furniture in the Object Window and add a CraftingCookingPostSmNoHandle and settle it on the bars of the CookingStand01WithStone until it looks fine.
Custom Containers - Safe Storage
After the shelves have been cleared its time to change the containers. There are a total of four included by default with the alchemist's shack, but we need to make sure they are safe storage. The easier way to do this is by creating a new form. So double click on the barrel and click on edit base. Put in a new name for the ID. This is extremely important, since this needs to be a new container rather then changing all of these barrels to be our container. Change the name if you want, and delete the loot as well. Uncheck the Respawns box, otherwise anything stored here would be lost when the cell respawns. Click okay, then yes on the message box (this is also extremely important, as clicking no would change all the containers to be our container), then okay again.
Now since we want this to match the theme, we want this to be an urn instead of a barrel. Open our new container's form, and underneath Container in the Object Window, search for any of the DLCDarkElfUrn's. Click one open and copy everything next to Model, then click cancel. Click edit next to model on our container and click edit again. This will pull up Select File. Just paste what was copied into the file name, and click open. Hit okay. Change the sounds to DRScUrnLargeOpenSD and DRScUrnLargeCloseSD, then hit okay, and okay again. The position of the urn is fine, but it should probably be rotated. Double click it, and for Z under rotation change it to -45.000. Search and replace the barrel outside the shack to be our new urn as well. The satchel and dresser will also need to be created into new containers for safe storage. Apply the same process for the barrels for the satchel and dresser. The last step for the container's is to make them owned by the player. Double click a container, go to the Ownership tab, and select Player under NPC. Do this for all the other containers as well.
Finishing Touches
Move the urn next to the Alchemy Lab, slightly to the right, because a chair will be added. Place a DLC2DarkElfChair01F between the Alchemy Lab and the urn. The chair will not have the same rotation as the shack's assets. To fix that, click Shift - Q and click on the scaffolding. Then click on the chair and rotate it until its facing the right direction. Do the same for the urn container as well. Move the chair and urn until they are positioned properly or look good. Hit CTRL - K on the Alchemy Lab and then Shift - Q on the scaffolding again. Then click the Alchemy Lab and rotate it to face the right direction, and move it over to the left some. Go back inside the shack and use Shift - Q on the dresser, and click on the lantern, to fix the rotation. You may wish to do the same for the one piece of scaffolding (under the bed and dresser) within the shack to match it nicely with the piece sitting under the shelves. The last step is to clean it with TES5Edit and test it in game, and then enjoy the new shack.
The next tutorial will finish the shack, and cover modder's resources and how to use them, and where to find them, and any other additional steps to be made to finish this simple player home. For now it should look something like this:
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